The official website of musician and author Matthew Christian Murray

Thirty Days of Free Canva: My TeamBuilder 25 Odessey

The color scheme and design of the default uniforms are both inspired by the 1997-2002 “Dirty Bird” Atlanta Falcons. I also used gold as a quaternary color, and it becomes prominent in some of the alts.

How about a team called the Angels, with Easter Pink as their main color, and gold as the only non-pastel color in their scheme? Also, all their helmets appear to be topped with halos.

Kind of hard to create contrast with these colors, isn’t it?

Pastel ahoy!

…this will not be the last gradient uniform you will see in this series.

I made this one about as Western as I could: from the logo, to the wordmark, to the copper-and-brown color scheme. The throwbacks drop the brown and replace the white with cream (background color above).

The horn was the most difficult part of this. I believe it’s from the main logo but I had to make a lot of revisions to make it look good on a helmet.

(Yes, the last two are identical.)

(Don’t tell the University of Texas.)

No nameplate on this one, by design. It just looks so clean.

This is the first truly weird team name. It will not be the last.

Also, it’s pure coincidence that my first four teams, alphabetically, are all located out West. This series has teams from Florida to Hawaii and a bunch of places in between.

What, you thought they wouldn’t be creepy? Are clowns ever not creepy?

Yes, I had to call their stadium The Big Top. Why do you ask?

I’m a proud alumnus of The Ohio State University, where construction is always in season. More than that, though, I’m an Ohioan, and I’ve been to Columbus more times than I can count – and the highways in and around the cities are also always under renovation. Thus, the Constructors, with colors of pavement grey, traffic cone orange, and safety vest yellow. The wordmark is inspired by that used by the “Big Blue Wrecking Crew” New York Giants of the 1980s and 1990s.

Nohting quite like a playing field that resembles a construction site.

(These first three are all just the home helmet from different angles.)

(The one above is part of a uniform that is designed to look like a slab of pavement. I get weird ideas.)

I used a nice very light peach color instead of white for the road uniforms, for no particular reason. It doesn’t really make an appearance in the other uniforms.

Hyper-reflective chrome finish on those numbers, for extra safety!

…in which the team tries to look as close as possible to…well, a road. Amazingly, the striping pattern used on the helmet and pants was a TeamBuilder preset.

It is exceedingly rare for me to put a team in the same color head to toe, but I kind of had to for it to work.

Part of me wonders if I shouldn’t have used custom layers to create a chrome-finish yellow jersey and pants here. Y’know…for safety.

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